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This article will discuss powerful techniques that you can use to grow your optometry practice.

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How to Grow Your Optometry Practice in 2023: 17 Strategies That Work

As an eye doctor, you know the importance of growing your private practice. Like any other business, there are different phases that your optometry practice will go through to grow and be successful. This article will discuss powerful techniques that you can use to grow your optometry practice.

Some of these techniques may be new to you, while others may be old standbys that you have yet to implement. But all of them are effective and will help you achieve your goals.

Strategies to Grow Your Optometry Practice

It would be best to have various strategies in place and think of which one is the easiest to prioritize or which strategies seem like a better fit for your practice specifically. Here are some of the most important examples:


One great way to grow your business is through partnerships. Find companies in your area that you can work with to promote optical health and wellness. This could be a local gym, a pharmacy, other physicians, or other businesses. When you team up with others, you can create a synergy that will help everyone involved grow.

Improve and Expand Your Services

As an optometrist, it is essential to maintain a professional image. This means being knowledgeable about your products and services, as well as the industry in general. It would be best if you also were up-to-date on the latest technologies and treatments. If you can provide your eye care patients with high-quality care, they will be more likely to come back to you in the future. Sometimes expanding to offer more services can also open the door to more patient opportunities.

Incorporate feedback

As your optometry practice grows, it is essential to listen to your patients' feedback and online reviews. This feedback can help you improve the quality of your services and make the necessary changes to your business model for a better patient satisfaction. It is also a good idea to survey your patients periodically to get their thoughts on various aspects of your practice. If nothing else, it shows that you prioritize your patient care. Take your patient feedback and work them into optimizing your patient journey and patient experience to create loyal patients and grow your patient base.

Go Digital

The world is going digital, and your optometry practice should be too. There are many great digital marketing tools that you can use to reach more patients and grow your business. These tools include a website, social media, and email marketing. Using these tools correctly can be a great way to connect with more people and grow your business.

Be Bold and Broad

When growing your optometric practice, you need to think big. This means going out of your comfort zone and partnering with different service providers. You can partner up with a beauty salon to provide eye exams or team up with a local restaurant to do a health and wellness fair. The possibilities are endless, so be creative and think outside the box.

Give Back

One of the best ways to grow, show appreciation to the community, and earn positive PR is by donating your services to those in need. You can do this by partnering with local charities or participating in free eye clinics. When you give back to your community, you are not only helping those in need, but you are also building goodwill for your practice.

Continue Learning

The optometry industry is constantly changing, and it is essential to stay up-to-date on the latest trends. This means attending conferences, reading industry journals, and networking with other professionals. When you continue learning, you will gain new skills and offer your patients the best service possible.

Optimized Marketing Strategy

It would be best if you were aggressive when marketing your optometric practice. There are different optometry marketing tactics that you can use to achieve this. Any business has to focus on marketing, and it is no different from optometry and healthcare practices. You will have to find ways to get in front of your target market and make them aware of your services.

Read more: Marketing for Doctors: The Do's and Don'ts of Medical Marketing

Marketing Tactics to Grow Your Optometry Practice

There are a variety of marketing tactics that you can deploy to help grow your optometry practice. Some of them include:

Online Store

If you already have a website in place, you can add an online store to offer contact lenses or eyewear options online. This will allow your patients to purchase optical products and services directly. When you have an online store, you will reach more people and increase your profits.

Social Media Engagement

One of the best ways to connect with your patients is through social media. You can use different platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, to share information about your practice, new products (like eyeglasses) and services, and upcoming events. When you engage with your patients on social media, they will be more likely to visit your practice in the future.

Referral Program

You can increase your optometry practice's growth by implementing a referral program. This program will encourage your patients to refer their friends and family to your practice by word-of-mouth. When someone refers a new patient, they can receive a special incentive, such as a free eye exam or a discount on their next purchase/service.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The best way to reach new patients is through search engines. When you optimize your website for SEO, you will make it easier for people to find you online. You can do several things to improve your SEO, such as adding keywords to your website, optimizing your titles and descriptions, and creating blog posts.

Also, keep in mind that you'll want potential patients to get all the information they need from your website. Make sure your pricing, phone number, services, address, and other business information are all up to date. Call to action is important to allow your patients directly book you online or keep in contact to get their questions answered.

Read more: 7 Ways to See If Your Medical Practice's Website Is SEO Optimized

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

Another great way to reach new patients is through PPC advertising. With PPC, you will be able to place ads on different websites and target people interested in optometry. When someone clicks on your ad, it will take them to your website to learn more about your services.

Employee Management

Employees play a vital role in the success of any business, and this is no different for optometry practices. You will need to find the right staff members and train them properly. When you have a well-run team, your practice will run smoothly, and you will be able to focus on providing quality care to your patients. As an owner, you're not only a business owner but also a leader to your opticians and support staff.

Regular Staff Meetings

For better practice management, it is essential to hold regular staff meetings to be on the same page. This will allow you to discuss new policies and procedures, upcoming events, and other important information. When everyone is aware of what is happening, it will be easier to maintain a cohesive team.

Ongoing Training

Employees need to be constantly trained to be up-to-date on the latest trends in optometry and customer service. You can provide training in-house or send your employees to external workshops and seminars. When they have the proper training, they will offer exemplary service to your clients.


One of the best ways to improve and grow your optometry practice is technology. There are several different technologies that you can use, such as patient management software, EHRs, and online appointment booking. It will be easier to manage your practice and provide quality care to your patients when you have the right technology in place.

Take Away

As an optometrist, it is essential to keep up with the latest trends in the optometry industry. By using these powerful techniques, you will grow your private practice and provide quality care to your current and new patients. Be sure to measure your success metrics to learn which strategies are working and which are the areas of improvement for your eye care practice.

DearDoc can help you achieve the practice growth that you desire. Our technology will help navigate the different requests from potential patients and ensure that they turn to clients. Get in touch today to learn more:

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